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Children's Services
The prosperity of the infants and children of participating mothers is a special focus for Chrysalis House.
Children’s services include:
- Screening and assessment to meet the child’s developmental and social-emotional needs
- Referrals provided to specialized community resources
- Individual, family and/or mother/child therapy as needed
- Educational activities provided on the weekends for our mothers, their partners, children and family

Services for children living in our recovery housing include:
- Access to Head Start Prep Academy program for infants from birth - 3 years of age at the Chrysalis Community Center
- Case management services
- Sober living activities for families
- Individual, family and/or mother/child therapy as needed
- Prevention group for adolescents
The Prep Academy Head Start Program provides a stimulating and culturally appropriate learning environment, using an evidence-based curriculum that prepare children to be successful in school and later in life. Research indicates that a high-quality early childhood education can positively impact things like school retention and graduation rates; decreased need for special education services; college enrollment and attendance; and employment, including higher life-time earnings.
The Prep Academy contains state-of the art enhancements for supporting early childhood education; the newest technology: smartboards for the teachers to use to engage the children; touch-screen tablets for interactive learning; and innovative digital learning tools developed by leaders in early childhood education.
The Prep Academy incorporates materials to reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of families. The classroom environments are welcoming to all children and must help them grow up in an inclusive society. We provide access to an outdoor play space that promotes habits of healthy physical activity and motor skill development. It also helps young children to increase their sense of cooperation and autonomy.
In short, the onsite Prep Academy at the Chrysalis Community Center, operated by Community Action Council, will serve as a rich foundation which will help prepare children to be successful in any of their next learning environments.